Board Report: 2015-MO-B-006 March 31, 2015
Anna Saez, OIG Manager
Kimberly Perteet, Project Lead and Senior Auditor
Victor Calderon, Senior Forensic Auditor
Sopeany Keo, Senior Auditor
Brian Murphy, Auditor
Sean Newman, Auditor
Timothy Rogers, Senior OIG Manager for Management and Operations
Melissa Heist, Associate Inspector General for Audits and Evaluations
ACS | American Community Survey |
Board | Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System |
C.F.R. | Code of Federal Regulations |
COSO | Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission |
Dodd-Frank Act | Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act |
EEO | equal employment opportunity |
EEOC | U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission |
ER | Employee Relations |
FY | fiscal year |
GAO | U.S. Government Accountability Office |
HR | Human Resources |
MD-715 | Management Directive 715 |
No FEAR Act | Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002 |
OD&I | Office of Diversity and Inclusion |
OD&L | Organizational Development and Learning |
OIG | Office of Inspector General |
OMWI | Office of Minority and Women Inclusion |
OPM | U.S. Office of Personnel Management |
U.S.C. | United States Code |