The Inspector General
Mark Bialek

Mark Bialek was appointed inspector general for the Board and the CFPB effective July 25, 2011. Mr. Bialek leads the OIG staff in promoting economy, efficiency, and effectiveness and preventing and detecting waste, fraud, and abuse within the Board's and the CFPB's programs and operations.
Mr. Bialek has more than 40 years of experience in the inspector general community. Previously, he served as the deputy inspector general at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) OIG. In addition, he served as the acting deputy inspector general, the associate deputy inspector general, and the counsel to the inspector general at the EPA OIG. Prior to joining the EPA OIG, Mr. Bialek served for 12 years as the deputy counsel to the inspector general at the U.S. Department of State OIG and for 8 years as the associate counsel to the inspector general at the U.S. Department of Commerce OIG.
Mr. Bialek is a member of the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee, which promotes transparency and the coordinated oversight of the federal government’s coronavirus response. He also served as chairman of the Council of Counsels to the Inspectors General, an organization comprising over 250 inspector general attorneys throughout the federal government. Further, he has lectured extensively on the roles and responsibilities of federal inspectors general and on ethics in the federal government, including presenting to officials of foreign governments.
Mr. Bialek received his bachelor of science in sociology and political science from Suffolk University and his juris doctor from the Antioch School of Law.