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Board Report: 2014-AE-B-006 March 28, 2014

The Board's Law Enforcement Unit Could Benefit From Enhanced Oversight and Controls to Ensure Compliance With Applicable Regulations and Policies

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Summary of Recommendations, OIG Report No. 2014-AE-B-006

Rec. no. Report page no. Recommendation Responsible office
1 10

Ensure that effective and consistent oversight of the Board’s Law Enforcement Unit is maintained by establishing a policy that documents 

a. an expected frequency for internal oversight committee meetings.
b. the scope and frequency of internal oversight committee inspections and evaluations.
c. specific roles and responsibilities for the internal oversight committee members.

Chief Operating Officer
2 10 Ensure that internal oversight committee inspections and evaluations of the Board’s Law Enforcement Unit are performed biennially at a minimum and that results are reported to the external oversight function. Chief Operating Officer
3 15

Strengthen accountability and control over credentials and badges by 

a. requiring that periodic updates of inventory records be signed and dated certifying items on hand and those that have been assigned. 
b. requiring a second-level review of each inventory update, to include signed and dated records certifying that the review was completed.

Law Enforcement Unit
4 15 Require that credentials be destroyed or rendered void within one week of officer separation from the Law Enforcement Unit, and require the Law Enforcement Unit Operations Support Bureau to prepare and maintain an administrative record of the disposition. Law Enforcement Unit
5 15 Ensure that the daily firearms inventory is documented in a consistent manner and that a second-level review of the inventory is performed and documented. Law Enforcement Unit
6 15

Strengthen accountability and control over ammunition by 

a. requiring formal quarterly inventories of all ammunition, to include signed and dated records certifying that the inventory was completed.
b. requiring a second-level review of each quarterly inventory, to include signed and dated records certifying that the review was completed.

Law Enforcement Unit
7 15 Require evidence confirming officers’ receipt of credentials, badges, and firearms when these items are issued and evidence confirming their return when officers separate from the Law Enforcement Unit. The evidence should include relevant information describing the property as well as the appropriate dates and signatures. Law Enforcement Unit
8 19 Require periodic reviews of training records to ensure that instructors and officers comply with all training and recertification requirements contained in the Federal Reserve System Law Enforcement Training Manual. Law Enforcement Unit
9 19 Ensure that a signed Instructor Performance and Expectations Acknowledgement form is obtained annually from instructors and retained by the Training Bureau. Law Enforcement Unit
10 21 Ensure that a signed Statement of Eligibility to Possess Firearms form and a signed Use of Force Policy Review and Acknowledgement form are obtained annually from all officers and retained by the Training Bureau. Law Enforcement Unit